Underwater Inspection

Underwater Inspection

  • Underwater annual survey for ships refers to an inspection required by maritime regulations to assess the condition of a vessel’s underwater hull and associated components.

  • This is part of the ship’s maintenance routine and is often mandated by classification societies, insurers, and maritime authorities.

  • The survey helps ensure the safety, integrity, and seaworthiness of the vessel, as well as its compliance with environmental standards.

  • Key Aspects of an Underwater Annual Survey for Ships

    • Purpose

      • Hull Integrity: To detect and assess damage, corrosion, or fouling (the accumulation of marine organisms) on the hull.
      • Propeller and Rudder Condition: Checking for wear, cracks, or biofouling that could affect the ship’s performance and maneuverability.
      • Seawater Intakes and Outlets: Inspecting grates, valves, and other openings to ensure they are free of blockages or corrosion.
      • Anodes Condition: Anodes are sacrificial elements used to prevent corrosion. The survey checks their condition to see if they need replacement.
      • Compliance: Ensures the ship meets international safety and environmental standards, such as those under SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea), MARPOL (marine pollution regulations), and classification society requirements.
    • Common Areas Inspected

      • Hull plating: Checking for damage, cracks, and corrosion.

      • Propeller and shafts: Looking for damage or wear.

      • Rudder and stern gear: Inspecting for cracks, corrosion, or mechanical issues.

      • Seachests and sea valves: Examining intakes for corrosion and blockages.

      • Bow thrusters and stabilizers: Ensuring proper function.

    • Fouling and Cleaning

      • Hull Cleaning: If biofouling (marine growth on the hull) is detected, cleaning may be required. This reduces drag, improves fuel efficiency, and prevents the spread of invasive species.

      • Inspection Post-Cleaning: After cleaning the hull, a more thorough inspection of the ship’s surfaces is carried out to check for hidden damage.

    • Survey Report and Documentation

      • After the survey, detailed documentation is prepared, including:

        Photographs or video footage.

        A written report summarizing the findings.

        Recommendations for repairs or maintenance.

        Certification of compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • Benefits of the Underwater Survey

    • Early Detection of Problems: Finding issues early can prevent expensive repairs later.
    • Operational Efficiency: Ensures the ship runs smoothly and efficiently, improving fuel consumption and reducing emissions.
    • Compliance: Helps avoid penalties, ensures insurance coverage, and minimizes the risk of detainment by port authorities.
  • Would you like to know more about a specific part of the process, or how to plan such a survey?

    • Please contact us: Hotline : (+84) 908 792 979 – Email  : Info@seafast.vn